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During these years in Sheffield, I took part in various international conferences....

1) Trade and weighing systems in southern Aegean from EBA to EIA: How changing circuits influenced changing 'glocal' measures, Sheffield Aegean Round Table Of Odysseys and Oddities, January 2013 


2) Pesi e traffici nell’Egeo del Tardo Bronzo: tendenze di globalizzazione, Scuola di Archeologia del Vicino Oriente Antico, Udine, January 2013 


3) Mycenaean textile industry: production tools and specialization issuesAHRC Conference Materials and Industries in the Mycenaean World, Nottingham, May 2013 


4) Sea resources exploitation in Crete in the framework of the Protopalatial and Neopalatial economies (ca. 1900-1500 BCE)International Workshop Treasures from the Sea, Lecce May 2013 


5) Pratiques agro-pastorales et stockage dans la ville de Malia du Bronze Moyen au Bronze Récent, in collaboration with M. Pomadère,  La campagne dans la ville. Formes et fonctions des activités agro-pastorales dans la ville pré-classique (protohistoire égéenne et occidentale), Colloque international, Marseille Octobre 2014 

“(..) the Mycenaean state is better understood not as a monolithic bureaucracy, but as a complex nexus of relationships with towns, groups, and individuals. Some arrangements were imposed, other negotiated, with people and institutions who, just like the central authority itself, had various degrees of authority and obligations” (C. Shelmerdine 2011, 28)

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