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Marie Sklowdoska Curie Ambassador 

With my colleagues of the Department of Archaeology, I organised the event Marie Curie in Action and have been Marie Curie Ambassador in  other occasions....

“Research Awayday” of the School of English

University of Sheffield

(22 May 2014)

"This implies not only the possibility, but the actual existence of variants which, without invalidating the model in its general form, reprwesent adaptations to circuymstances and changing traditions, and whose detailed studies is one of the fundamental conditions for the transformation of theoretical vision into historical knowledge" (P. de Fidio 2001, 17)

“Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships and Innovative Training Networks event”

Faculty of arts and Humanities

(12 June 2014)

joint talk with S. Sebastiani


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